About ALHF
Frequently Asked Questions
This is a simple questionnaire based on enquiries from people interested in our work. If your question is not here, please look up other sections of the website. If you still have a query, write to us at askalhf@justalittlehappiness.org
Is A Little Happiness Foundation a non-profit organization?
Yes, ALHF is a non-profit body. No part of the funds of the organization is distributed amongst directors, members, staff or any other individuals.
Are funds donated to ALHF exempt from Income Tax?
Subject to conditions imposed by the Income Tax authorities from time to time regarding the limit of exemption, donations to ALHF are exempt under Section 80G v of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
Can the corporate sector donate to ALHF?
All individuals, companies and large NGOs can contribute to ALHF.
Can non-Indians donate to A Little Happiness Foundation?
As ALHF does not possess, as yet, clearance under Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, ALHF cannot accept funds from non-Indian individuals or organizations.
Can Non-Resident Indians donate to ALHF?
Subject to certain conditions imposed by the relevant governmental authorities, Non-resident Indians can donate to ALHF.
Does ALHF receive government funding?
ALHF does not receive any government funding. However the government has granted us tax exemption which benefits our donors enabling us to widen our donor base.
Does ALHF pay salary to its directors?
No, ALHF does not pay any salary to its directors and they share their time, effort and resources with the organization.
Does ALHF pay any salaries?
Yes. ALHF pays salary to its Student-Counsellors and tutors at various ALHF Learning Centres. Full time and part-time talented counsellors and tutors hired by ALHF ensure professional quality work.
Does ALHF contribute to any other social, religious or political organization?
No. ALHF does not contribute to anyone, though legally it can contribute to other organizations having similar aims and objectives as ALHF.
Is ALHF an international organization?
ALHF is an Indian organization whose supporters are Indians or of Indian origin. All funds are also utilized within India.
How does ALHF raise funds?
ALHF works informally with individuals and organizations, seeking sponsorship of educational needs of disadvantaged children.
How does ALHF choose its beneficiaries?
The ALHF Directorial team visits remote areas inhabited by erstwhile artisans, assesses their living conditions and economic status and decides about starting an ALHF Learning Centre in that area which benefits children and the families living there.