KITAB GHAR –Building small libraries
How many of our schools have libraries? How many school children use them? Given the pressure on percentages, how many children are encouraged to expand their horizons through books?
A Little Happiness Foundation believes that despite the proliferation of a variety of media, books are the mainstay for children. We also believe that the use of the internet and other media tools like educational and smart school techniques may be used to supplement books.
Conscious of the needs, we have done basic surveys and have come to the conclusion that the bane for non-usage is our emphasis on big libraries making it out of bounds for children. Also responsible is the non-existing and declining reading habit.
A Little Happiness Foundation spent resources at the last World Book Fair in Delhi and picked up interesting books, DVDs, CDs and other related stuff to making the learning process interesting and fun.
At all our learning centres, ALHF will draw upon these sources and the companies and organizations that made them to make learning easy and enjoyable. As we say, sharing joy and happiness while studying.
The First ALHF Kitab Ghar:
In a small 15 x 15 room, which was already existing, in village Punwari, district Agra of the state of Uttar Pradesh, where more than 50 of our children go to school, the first Kitab Ghar is underway. The place and its surroundings are being spruced up.
Bookshelves, books, chairs and tables, white boards, games, toys and a projector will be added in phases. Our first Kitab Ghar will be ready for use in the first week of October 2012. It will be ready by the first week of October.
Would you like to assist and contribute for our Kitab Ghar needs in Punwari, Agra?
Would you like to assist in building another Kitab Ghar?
Write to us at: info@alittlehappiness.org