Offline Contribution
Cheques and Demand Drafts:
Please send account payee cheques and demand drafts in the name of A Little Happiness Foundation, payable at New Delhi.
The cheques and demand drafts may be sent to the registered office of the organisation at:
A Little Happiness Foundation E-117, Second Floor, Tagore Nagar Extension New Delhi-110027
Cheques can also be handed over to directors and regional directors. We do not have any agents to collect cash, cheques, demand drafts or contributions in kind on behalf of the ALHF.
The following details of the donor may kindly be written behind the cheque/demand draft or may be given on a note accompanying the instrument:
Name of the Donor
Office Phone
Email Address
PAN Card Number, preferably with scanned copy of the PAN Card
Upon realisation of the cheque/Demand Draft a receipt will be sent within 2-3 weeks to the donor alongwith the Tax Exemption Certificate.
Should you need more details, write to us at: