Join Us
Volunteering is sharing and sharing is what ALHF believes in and strives for.
A volunteer plays a key role to effectively achieve the objectives of any social welfare organisation. Volunteering gives a unique insight into the working of any organisation and the greatest sense of satisfaction to the volunteer who shares time, energy, enriching the life of the beneficiary and enabling students to reach their targets and fulfil their ambitions.
Volunteering introduces you to a new life, a new environment, altogether a new experience about which you may have read but not had the opportunity to live through.
When we started work in Alwar, we had a large volunteer force there, which launched our work with traditional gusto and a never-say-attitude.
Volunteers from other parts of the country and overseas instilled a spirit of enquiry and experimentation amongst our students, particularly girl students. Samandeep Kaur Brar from Calgary, Canada came with a whiff of fresh air and inspired many young girls and boys not only to excel in their studies but also widen their horizons through reading, role-playing and use of the internet. Adapting to the tough life of the Sikligars, she not only adjusted there but felt home.
Would you like to volunteer time and effort? No bars, no deadlines, do as much as you can and as much as you like. The only qualification we look for is unflinching enthusiasm to work for the poorest of the poor, normal managerial skill-sets, team spirit and a love for people to people relationships.
ALHF Volunteers coach and counsel students promoting love for education, impart simple health and hygiene tips, enabling proper sanitation in the habitat, help in giving up alcohol abuse and sometimes double-up as volunteers in domestic situations.
Duration: Anything from two weeks to a year is appropriate.
Accommodation: Volunteers are given a chance to stay with families of traditional artisans. However, if that cannot work out, appropriate facilities can be searched. Ordinarily speaking, the volunteer pays for the accommodation. The same goes for food as well. Ordinarily, beneficiary families love sharing food; however the volunteer may have to have food from his own resources.
In case of long volunteering periods, food, transport and accommodation may be arranged by A Little Happiness Foundation courtesy local contacts and associates.
Volunteer Today.
Write to us at volunteer@alittlehappiness.org