ALHF website goes live
Joyously sharing to begin on the internet
Team ALHF is delighted to announce that the website of A Little Happiness Foundation, www.alittlehappiness.org goes live on 1 September 2012. The website is an open window to the life and times of our Born-Engineers, our traditional artisans -the Sikligars and of the work that students, parents, volunteers, counsellors and activists of ALHF have been doing for their education and empowerment in the past few years.
Your particular attention is invited to the Video Gallery and Photo Gallery sections, which speak for themselves. This audio-visual treat will see vast and significant additions in the coming days and weeks.
We are happy to say that the website is linked to all major social networking systems –Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, Google+, expanding the reach of the work and making it easier for prospective associates and contributors to not only know more but to start sharing love, joy , education and empowerment.
Team ALHF has spent the last many months working on the website. As we go on, we will add more details in each section. The process is on-going to fine tune the online systems and management of the organisation.
We invite contributors, associates, friends and well-wishers to spare time to browse the site and send in their invaluable feedback. Write in today at feedback@alittlehappiness.org and we will get back to you in less than 24 hours.
As we say, life is joyously sharing. Begin Today.